To school example sentences

This means that Britain s military success was based on the values taught to schoolboys in its public schools.While going to school Sunny forgets to switch off lights and fans.In the two case studies we saw Sakal went to school and ilas did not go.Children with SAD may have difficulty being in a room by themselves, going to school alone, are fearful of entering new situations, and cling to and shadow their parents' every move.But when I got to school, I found out that the scholarship was going to be paid the following month.This also encourages people to send their children, including the girl child, to schools in the hope of getting better economic returns from investing in education.Housed in urban slums, or living in remote villages on lands that yield little, they cannot afford to send their children to school.One day, I went to school with four rupees in my pocket to pay the school fees and the fund.“Go to school,” I say glibly, realising immediately how hollow the advice must sound.Suppose you want to teach children in a slum area who are unable to go to school.Sivaraman plans to send his son to school when he comes of age.In the morning, before going to school, you interact with your family members; in school, you discuss topics and issues with your teachers and classmates; and after school you phone up, visit or play with your friends.This means that if you went to school in Bihar more than half of your class would be missing.As a young boy he would go to school past an old temple, where his father was a priest.The reason Peggy and Maddie noticed Wanda's absence was because Wanda had made them late to school.

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